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  • Writer's pictureBuck Paolino

Quick Tip to Boost Revenue, ADR, and Customer Loyalty!

Quick Tip for Increasing Hotel Revenue and ADR

(Average Daily Rate)

Here’s a problem all of our hotels are facing…. Revenue Performance!

Now the tip I’m going to share with you comes from Dylan Beaumont, a General Manager who shared this with me and I wanted to share it along with all of you!

We need all of the revenue we can get right now and I appreciate Dylan reaching out to share this with fellow hoteliers. It’s this type of “abundance mindset” in how can we all win and help our industry grow that will keep us moving forward.

I’m going to go over his simple and clear action step to boost those numbers:

“Something I was advised in the past came up again this week and I wanted to share it with you.  In terms of revenue performance: My hotel company owner asked me in the slow season to upgrade direct bookings paying the best rates to the best vacant suites.  He wanted those who are comfortable with the expense to walk away feeling they received the best value for their dollar and to attach that experience to our location & brand."

That guest has a significant long-term value.  Being a direct booking, they bolster the ADR and are not reducing total revenue with discounts and commissions.

Wow! What gold for each and every hotel owner, management company, and general manager right now! Here’s someone looking at the long-term value of each and every guest.

All of us get excited for any type of upgrade - I know I do! This will immediately puts a positive emotion and memory in the guests mind.

Maximize your direct bookings to build long term loyalty with your guests - not creating one time stays but super fans who will always be looking for your hotel when coming to town!


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